Five on Friday [october]

After a summer hiatus, one of my favorite link-ups is back!  I love reading through others’ Five on Friday posts – I’ve read, enjoyed, purchased, and found inspiration in what other bloggers share each Friday.  If you want in on the fun, join Darci, April, Natasha, and Christina each Friday.


I know I just shared this on Monday, but I cannot get over this motorcycle.  I’ve seen all sorts of creative diaper ideas on Pinterest, but never had the guts to try to make one myself as a gift.  Now seeing that it can be done in “real life,” I know what I’ll be trying for the next shower I’m invited to! I found a good tutorial here.

diaper motorcycle - mwn

Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Macaroons.  Oh my word.  Deliciousness.  And the best part is?  They are ready to eat (from the freezer) after just 30-minutes of thawing.  The pumpkin flavor is legit.

pumpkin macaroons.t.h.r.e.e.
Homemade applesauce.  Nothing comes close to the homemade stuff – am I right!?  Craig’s grandma works at an apple orchard each fall, which means we are often gifted with some of the “imperfect” apples they decide not to sell.  She dropped a bag with us while she was here for the shower and I was quick to dump them into the crockpot to whip up some applesauce!  Following this recipe as a loose guide, we ended up with quite the treat!  I’m excited to share the recipe with you all soon!  PS. How cute is this orchard she works at!?

eycks apple orchard

Bath & Body Works 3-wick candles are my jam.  Our house smells incredible all the time – I no longer have to worry about a home that smells like 2 dogs inhabit it.  They’re so awesome, even Craig has taken notice.  I managed to drag him into a B&BW a few days ago and we picked up some additional candles to add for our stash.  Keep an eye out for their 2/$22 sales and always Google for coupons that you can add on top of that.  I ordered a box of them online earlier this fall in order to take advantage of the 2/$22 along with some additional online-only coupons.  When they arrived they were all broken.  It wasn’t super convenient, but when I took them into the store, they happily exchanged them for new candles.  While we love almost all of them, the Warm Carmel Cider might be my favorite this year.

warm caramel cider candle.f.i.v.e.
Last, but certainly not least, sneak peek from our photo session on Sunday!  I have a few more to share soon!

sneak peak - mwn



  1. I have heard how wonderful homemade applesauce is – I may just have to try it. I love the sneak peak of your pictures – it’s beautiful. And while I’m sure the macroons are amazing, I don’t know if I could wait 30 minutes 🙂 – that seems so long when I want a treat now 🙂


    1. Thank you! And honestly – I didn’t think 30 minutes was TOO bad considering any other frozen dessert I see at the store usually requires longer than that 🙂 I don’t think I’d ever had a macaron before, so maybe that made it easier to wait, I had no idea what goodness I was waiting for!!


  2. oh girl! you’re such a cute pregnant gal! i hope you had fun at your photo sesh! i’m days away from having our second gal…ugh. anyway…i do a little linkup each friday and would love to have you link up too…if you want! it’s called oh hey, friday! check it out –

