Sunday Social

Craig and me?  We’re super smart.   We are currently preparing for a football game in arctic temps.  I learned this week that I shouldn’t even depend on the booze to keep me warm.  Apparently that makes it worse.  Not that I’m a big drinker.  At all.  But, it’s sad knowing I don’t even have the booze as a backup plan!

Linking up with Sunday Social, per usual!

1. Do you plan to change any of your eating habits in the new year?
Is this a trick question?  If you asked me in real-life, I’d lie and say yes.  I know I need to.  But since this is blogland, I’ll tell the truth and say, probably not.  No plans.  I have started food journeling, though.

2. Any workout tips to get us back in shape after the Holidays?
Do something.  Anything.  Don’t have to go for the gold, just do something.

3. What is your favorite thing you did over the Holidays?
NYE was a lot of fun.  Dinner with Tom and Lindsey and hitting up a local bar.  Low key.  But, we made it ’til midnight – thanks to the hour-long cat nap I took beforehand!

4. What is something you hope that you accomplish in 2014 that you did not in 2013?
A feeling of being settled.  I was getting there – and then I had to go and change things up again.  Why do I do that to myself!?

5. Name 3 things happening this year you are excited about and why.
Working more on the house – it’s getting closer and closer to really feeling like “ours.”  The bathroom and master bedroom are the only two rooms left that need some TLC!
Vacation – I’d really like to get a ‘big’ vacation in with Craig this year!  We didn’t do one last year – might have something to do with moving back to Wisco, buying a house, moving again, and starting new jobs.
My 5 year journal – Kim and I bought this together at Anthropologie last week.  I’m excited that it’s an experience to share with her and it’s something I can look back on for years to come!  (You can’t get it online through Anthro, but you can see it here on Amazon.)

