Life Lately II

In my life as of lately, I am…

Making : peace.  Peace with where I’m at in life.  Trying to reduce stress and just be at peace with how things are.  And remind myself that I am a lucky gal, even if I find myself in a funk now and then.
Cooking : Crock pot dinners – at least one night a week.
Drinking : Pellegrino with squeezed lime.  For the times I can keep my sugar/soda addiction under control…
Reading: Apparently, I preordered Allegiant, but totally didn’t remember.  So, when I got the email last week that it had been delivered to my Kindle, I was pleasantly surprised.  I’ve heard from others that it moves pretty quickly, so I decided to start with book one tree
Wanting: A money tree.  I know money doesn’t buy happiness.  I don’t want millions, just a few extra thou to keep things comfy.
Looking: tired.  All the time.  Hopefully after my doctor’s appointment Monday morning I’ll be getting some answers soon!
Playing: Games. Well, it’s what I want to be playing anyway.  I haven’t played a good board game or card game in far too long.  Too bad I live with a man that hates games.  Especially word games (which happen to be my favorite!)
Wasting: Leftovers. Too often.
Wishing: it was fall all year ’round.  I don’t mind winter one tiny bit, but if it was autumn all the time, I’d be thrilled.
Enjoying: this weather!  Everyone thinks it’s “too cold” here already.  But, I’m LOVING the 40/50 degree weather!
Waiting: for next weekend!  Packer game numero dos for the year!
Liking: my free time.  More than ever.  Going back to school keeps becoming more and more unappealing…

Kels on some Spaniard Adventure

Kels on some Spaniard Adventure

Wondering: How my kid sister is doing.  Kels, it’s been awhile.  Can we FaceTime?  Soon?  puh-puh-puh-leeeeez?!
Loving: the pup’s Halloween costumes – just wait til you see!
Hoping: the pups still love me even after I dressed them, laughed hysterically, and took pictures.
Marveling: at how hot and cold I can get with this darn blog.  Some days I’m all gung-ho and others it just kills me to find something to write about.
Needing: a massage.  Oh, what I’d do for a professional massage…
Smelling: FALL!  Fires, falling leaves, crisp air.  Mmmmm.  My favorite.
Wearing: I DON’T EVEN KNOW.  I feel so freakin’ sloppy no matter what I wear and it’s killing me.
Following: the Skimm.  I’m telling you – greatest thing ever to subscribe to.  They keep it pretty light, even when talking about serious issues.  I can sort of feel like I can keep up with my incredibly-well-informed husband on the world’s happenings.
Noticing: how lucky I am.  I’ve been making conscious effort to stop, look around, and really take note of how blessed I am.
Knowing: It’s been far too long since I’ve seen Grandma Faye.  I promise a visit will come soon!
Thinking: I miss my family.  Between Kels and Gma Faye…it’s really got me realizing how much I miss my mom and pops, too.  Damn distance.
Feeling: Anxious. November will be a fun month of Packer Games and Nashville to see a couple of my favorite gals!  HURRY UP FUN!
Opening: a book. After a month or two of a reading hiatus, I’m enjoying being back into the pages of a book.
Giggling: This is just too much:

MondayladyAnd in the spirit of Halloween…this:

wrecking-pug-Wrecking Ball pug…awesome


  1. Feel free to share any good crockpot recipes! I’ve been stuck on chicken and green sauce, and it’s starting to get old. It’s hard to find good recipes that are at least a little bit healthy, and not loaded with sodium.


    1. That’s the truth, I don’t have many that are overly “healthy,” but they sure are tasty! I’ll have to start sharing some of the gems I’m running across!


  2. You should totally friend me so we can play words with friends. Cliché. I know. S and I don’t do games well. He plays to slaughter me no matter what. I just play to try to play and so something fun. *sigh*

    I cannot WAIT to see what you did with your pups. I tried a sweater on Missy once. Most. Hilarious. Pictures. EVAH!

    On the Los, we finally broke down and bought a vacuum sealer thingy. LOVE IT! I put my left overs in it when I know we’re not going to eat them before they would spoil. That way, there’s always something easy to thaw and nuke when we get home or on the weekend. Just a thought…. And I have quite a few slow cooker recipes on my blog. I LOVE LOVE LOVE MINE! In fact, I have dinner in one RIGHT THIS MINUTE! *snort*


    1. YES. I had to look up my user name because I haven’t played Words with Friends in so long! My user name is Jessgtz! Find me! We shall play!

      I just bought the dogs costumes, but I thought it was pretty funny because they don’t *really* fit. I think costumes run small, because they don’t fit in the large. It was a disaster.

      And the vacuum sealer is a great idea – I’ll have to look into that! …Our dinner is in the crockpot, too!


    1. Thanks, Amy! I seem to have the opposite problem than you, in that I get plenty of sleep – it’s just no amount is enough! Human bodies are strange, strange things…


  3. Okay okay okay okay I know I owe you an email!!!! I’M SORRRYYYYY. I love you so much and read your blog errday though…okay? Okay. I love you!

